Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Fishing the Cut River

Cut River by Lansing Rd
K. Stephenson

The Cut River which runs from Higgins Lake through Marl Lake and down to Houghton Lake. It's a great place to canoe or kayak. It's also a great place for fishing. Most of the Cut is inaccessible thus leaving plenty of fish. One spot that can be accessed is by Lansing Rd about 1 1/2 miles east of Cty  Rd 100. Fishing is prohibited from March 23-April 23 for spawning.

The ice is slowly receding from the middle and should be clear in time for the spawn. I haven't fished the Cut River yet, but it is on my list of new places to try this summer.

For anyone who doesn't know yet. Beginning in October 2010, then Gov Granholm and the DNR initiated a new annual pass system for entering parks and/or state boat launch sites.

Photo by K. Stephenson

Using what is now known as a Passport which is purchased from the Secretary of State when renewing your license plates. If you wish to get the Passport, check the box on your plate renewal. It costs $10 as opposed to the $26 formerly charged for the annual park pass or boat launch pass (they were separate). Thats a savings of $42 a year if you bought both for one vehicle.

The license sticker will have a "P" on it if you have paid the extra $10 for the annual Passport and it will read Passport on your new registration. I have the Passport for both of my vehicles and at $10 each I'm still saving $32. The state needs 18% participation to equal funds under the previous system. Participation is currently running at 20% and the DNR is hoping for 25%.

The per day pass is still $6. So if you use a park and/or boat launch twice the Passport is paid for. Ten dollars is a small price to pay to keep our parks and boat launches in pristine condition for generations to come.

For more info click here DNR Passports.

We picked up a couple more inches of snow today but the high temps are suppose to be in the mid 30's for the next few days.

Until next time stay safe, stay warm and have fun,

Ken S.

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